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ENTRY: December 12th
After much climbing and clambering I have reached the place marked on my map.

Some strange invisible force prevents me from continuing. From my vantage point, I can see a strange plane covered in unusual dirt. There are no plants or animals to be seen anywhere.
ENTRY: December 12th
I have scaled the mountains south of Gnomeregon and have entered the great valley above it. The snow shines brightly here, and I am sure I would be blinded if it were not for my goggles. Surmounting the mountains on the western edge of the valley, I found the clifs drop off into the mists.

After traveling north along the mountain tops, I spotted green hills far below me.

I was forced to cast Featherfall twice during the long fall. My ears popped several times.

Looking back up into the sky, I am amazed at how far I have descended.

Looking before me the vista is beautiful but surreal. Where are the trees and the animals? How strange that this beautifuil land is empty of all but the smallest moss.

After a long trek up the coast I have finally spotted Menethil Harbor.
ENTRY: December 12th
I have jumped from the top of the Stonewrought Dam. Featherfall was very helpful here!
ENTRY: December 12
I have set off to scale the mountain over Ironforge. On the way I have stopped by the airfields. Unfortunately, they are deserted and the buildings seem to be filled with snow!

I would have talked to the griffon trainer here, but he seems to have disappeared as well. What terror has driven them away?

I have now scaled the mountains and left the deserted airfields far below.

I am now high in the mountains, the towers of Ironforge rise around me. Strangely I am able to pass through them. Are these noble spires mere illusions?

Success! I stand at the peak and discover that one has been here before me. Nonetheless, I relish the fresh air and the stunning view. Now to find a way down...

I stand on the precepice far above the gates of Ironforge. Far below is the valley I know so well.

I have leapt from the precepice, and my featherfall spell has carried me slowly down. I misjudged my aim, and missed the capstone of the gates, which I was aiming for. Perhaps next time...
ENTRY: December 12
I revisited the spot where I scaled the mountains to enter the valley above Gnomeregon. From there I traveled south and East along the mountains. On the way I found what appears to be a camp, but without the campers. The terrain seems unnatural here where few tread.

A beautiful view of Ironforge, and the peak I scaled earlier today.

After struggling along sheer faces and frozen wastes, I have reached the edge of the Searing Gorge. Far off (on the right side of my drawing) I can see Blackrock Mountain. I believe I have found the camp that I have seen so many times riding the griffon from Stormwind to Ironforge and back, but it too is deserted. Doubtless the orcs have made off with any survivors from this crash, but I wonder why they have not touched the camp or crashed vehichle.

The sight of the Searing Gorge chills me. At this juncture I lost my nerve and utilized my hearthstone to return to Ironforge. Perhaps some day I will venture in to this dangerous land, but not today.
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