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ENTRY: December 13
I have once again scaled the mountains, this time with the intention of showing others the way into this sequestered valley. What follows are my map and view of the location where I scaled the mountain. I hope my work will lead the way for many more brave explorers to make the journey to the peak.

Here I stand, once again above the gates of Ironforge. I was able to stand on the peak of the great gates, and then float to a soft landing below. As a note to explorers, if you are not able to cast Featherfall, descent may be a more painful process.
ENTRY: December 13
I am in the Redridge Mountains again, the far Northeast corner. Scaling these mountains has proven more difficult than I first expected, but I have finally succedded, only to find a bizare plain stretching before me.

Between myself and the plains is an infathomable chasam. I shudder to think what would happen to an explorer who tumbled into such an abyss.

To surmount the chasam, I have jumped from the mountains high above, and my ever useful featherfall spell has carried my easily across.

I have marked on my map the location of this strange terrain, in the case that other explorers would like to verify my findings.

After crossing the plains I have found a land unlike any I have seen as of yet. This pictures show my facing Northwest across the plains I have just traversed.

My official map shows an area of land that has not yet been named. I have traveled to the center of this land, and found a hole in the ground. I think this explains why this region is, of yet, unpopulated.

As I run across the center of this strange land, I see mountains in the distance. The air smells of the sea.

I now stand on the shore of the Forbidding Sea. Far below me the surf pounds upon the rocks. I ponder what strange lands I have traveled to reach this place, and how the coast seems so normal by comparison. Almost friendly dispice the sheer precepice.

Traveling North along the coast I have come to a range of truly collosal mountains. An explorer must not be daunted by such barriers, but I begin to wonder if I will be able to circumvent so monumental an obstacle.

I have been climbing horizontally along these sheer faces for what seems like hours. My only consolation is what wonders I may find at the end of my journeys.

I have finally reached a relatively flat spot. Traveling up the coastal mountains has led me to near the Wetlands. As I tried to reach the brink of the mountains and look down into the swamps I was suddenly halted by the same invisible force which I encountered at the start of my journeys. How vexing, to be so close to what could be a new discovery, and yet unable to attain it!

Perserverance finally pays off! I have traveled around the strange force, and come to the edge of the mountains. Although the friendly wetlands beccon, I feel the draw of the sea once again.

I stand at the end of this trek, the mountains of the Wetlands behind me, and the sea before me. A fitting end to an eventful day.
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