I was reading "How I Learned" to my family one evening, when I thought to myself "Maybe other people would want to hear this book instead of read it!" Thus, I have recorded my readings for all to enjoy. These were made in my living room, so there's babies crying, groceries, cooking, and occasional Korean soap operas going on in the background.
What's the deal with this book? Well, It's a mid-life autobiography, focusing on education. Here is a link to where you can buy it, How I Learned, by Shamus Young, while the original blog series is free for all to read. I have obtained permission to make these recordings, but as far as I know the contents are still under copyright, so contact Shamus if you want to do anything with these other than listen to them.
09 Welcome to the Neighborhood
If you've enjoyed these readings, let me know on twitter @dudecon or send me an e-mail, dudecon@hotmail.com
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If you really hate these readings... go make your own?