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My Non-syndicated site update list

Last Updated: 2025-03-17, Modeled a new version of the St. George Sword from the God's'doG comic book intended for one of the authors, Jonathan Pageau.

Update: 2025-02-12, Modeled and 3D printed six medallions from the God's'doG comic book.

Update: 2025-01-30, Made a pair of 3D printed steampunk lights for my room.

Update: 2024-11-28, I re-discovered a Fledgeling choose your own adventure game I made around June 2016, so I just added Midjourney images to it.

Update: 2024-11-02, Shapeways is defunct, so I uploaded all my 3D Print Models for free download. You can also see them on Sketchfab.

Update: 2024-05-25, Added another laser engraved bookshelf photojournal.

Update: 2024-05-11, Added a few scripts to the Blender page (Spaceships and Stairs). The scripts aren't new, but I hadn't linked them before because they were covered on my YouTube channel.

Update: 2024-05-10, updated the site-wide background flanking images. The old ones can still be found renamed with a trailing "_crest" on the filename. If you have any feedback or comments on the website as a whole, there's the link.

Update: 2024-03-31, added a couple of images generated by MidJourney based on some of my old CG art.

Update: 2024-03-18, Transferred my IP article and Shadow of the Conqueror Review over from which is having trouble from being hacked. Also added some ML images to both to spice them up a bit.

Update: 2024-02-13, All of the Minecraft Python scripts are now updated to work with Minecraft version 1.16+ so you can use them in the current version of Minecraft!

Update: 2023-12-20, You can now purchase a Tetrahedral Planetoid 3D print as well as watch the video on my Escher gallery page.
I also added Midjourney illustrations to the (both incomplete) Surreal Battle and Hundar stories.

Update: 2023-12-05, Updated the Games Page to reflect some new progress on that front, specifically, a few games released on Itch.IO and Steam.

Update: 2023-11-12, Used ChatGPT to generate some new pun images. These have been on my to-do list for over two decades. Thanks AI revolution! also put up a few random AI generated images.

Update: 2023-11-11, Used Midjourney to generate some grass and tree themed restaurant images. These have been on my to-do list for over two decades. Thanks AI revolution!

Update: 2023-05-31, Used Midjourney to generate illustrations for my science-fiction novel "Fall from the Sky". I'd been wanting to do this for over a decade. Thanks AI revolution! You can leave comments about the book on Twitter. I'd be happy to hear your feedback.

Update: 2023-05-23, Used Midjourney to generate Motorcycle designs based on the Overwatch characters. I'd been wanting to do this for years now. Thanks AI revolution!

Update: 2023-05-18, Used Midjourney to illustrate an old romantic poem I wrote and now I'm feeling awe.

Update: 2023-05-17, Used Midjourney to illustrate a short sad lonely poem I wrote and now I'm feeling depressed.

Update: 2023-05-15, The client who commissioned the Waverider 3D model just finished his model build and released the 3D models for anyone to use with the condition that you send him pictures of the model.

Update: 2023-05-11, Made some Laser engraved wood rounds for Mothers Day and updated my Blender to NC Code Exporter in the process.

Update: 2023-05-09, Updated the RGB Cube and uploaded it to my Sketchfab library. You can download the XKCD RGB space blender file directly as well.

Update: 2023-05-08, Added my hand-made toy wood swords to my store.

Update: 2023-05-03, Added a bunch of AI generated images of the New Jerusalem.

Update: 2023-04-26, Added a new AI Style Study of a jet motorcycle.

Update: 2023-04-25, In addition to the Divine Mercy image above, I have completed renovation of my image gallery. This includes a completely new 3D Print gallery with all new pictures. Enjoy!

Update: 2023-04-10, Added a few models to my Sketchfab library so that I could embed them in my Misc 3D modeling gallery and Concept-Art Based 3D modeling gallery.

Update: 2023-04-07, Still rebuilding my image gallery.

Update: 2023-04-05, I've begun rebuilding my image gallery starting with my AutoMasonry photo page.

Update: 2023-04-03, The decades-old php image gallery I've been relying on has finally given up, so I'm in the process of transferring the relevant information to a more durable format. In the meantime, I have directory browsing turned on, so you can still get to the images with a little persistence.

Update: 2023-02-09, Made a merch shop so you can buy tacky Peripheralarbor stuff. At this point it's just the UV Map Texture Template clothes, but I may add more stuff at some point.

Update: 2023-01-31, Just posted an article about my Blender AutoMasonry script that I wrote back in 2007-10-31. There are also more screenshots of AutoMasonry here, though they haven't been updated in a while.

Update: 2022-09-13, Made another custom silver ring, which has started getting comments from people. My design sense may not be getting any better, but dumb luck succeeds occasionally.

Update: 2022-08-24, Did a cleanup of the Blender 2.78 splash screen scene taking it down from 113MB to my version at just under 26MB without loosing (m)any details! Made a small thread about it on BlenderArtists, and a couple of livestreams.

Update: 2022-08-15, Another incomprehensible fantasy genesis drawing is now up.

Update: 2022-05-29, Updated the second mushroom village explorer game with some new directional icons.

Update: 2022-02-27, Made a second mushroom village explorer game with way better graphics. It's a single Blender file if you want to play with the source and do something with it.

Update: 2022-02-24, Added keyboard shortcuts to the mushroom village explorer game which makes it way more playable.

Update: 2022-01-19, Uploaded a bunch of Storm-trooper 3D model photos from recent commissions.
Also put some BitBurner code on my GitHub repo.

Update: 2022-01-08, Made a Laser engraved modular chess board with matching pieces.

Update: 2021-11-24, A few more Python Scripts went up, mostly to do scrolling background text for my linux desktop.

Update: 2021-10-21, Added some timestamps to the project London Model page so you can more easily reference where the models are used. I've also been adding a few more free models on Sketchfab.

Update: 2021-04-19, Uploaded a bunch of source files for the motorcycle light spine project and added the complex bookshelf script to the Blender Scripts page. Some of my better free 3D models are now available to view and download on Sketchfab.

Update: 2021-01-27, Hosting a zip archive (49 MB) of the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs music.

Update: 2021-01-14, Since Google Poly is shutting down, I've downloaded all of the 3D models (228 MB) I was hosting there and put them up for download here. You can also just browse the PDF if you're interested.

Update: 2020-12-28, Another spaceship commission in the bag.

Update: 2020-09-03, An online copy (including a complete audio book reading) of "A Radiance in the Gulag" by Nijole Sadunaite, detailing her persecution at the hands of the Soviets as part of their oppression of the Catholic Church in Lithuania.

Update: 2020-08-25, Another pepakura commission and a character model commission completed. Also put up a logo commission I did a few months ago.

Update: 2020-04-08, Put a number of new photos up of a table, and another computer, and some drain updates, and Side Yard Projects including a play house.

Update: 2019-12-11, Did a cry room commission along with a couple character models, and finally made a bit of an audio book authors reading of the book I wrote, Fall From the Sky.

Update: 2019-04-12, Did a 3D logo for SatisFactory.

Update: 2019-04-02, Finished the arches out front, so that's one more thing done.

Update: 2019-03-02, Hosting Manuel Bastioni Lab V1.6.1 for Blender 2.79, since it is no longer available for download at the original location. This is a Blender addon for rigged character creation of humanoid character models.

Update: 2019-02-11, Added a photojournal of the garage window frames that I made.

Update: 2019-02-09, Just lost my job, so I've put a subscription page up. Support this site to keep it running!

Update: 2019-01-20, Put up a few fantasy sketches, to the photojournals.

Update: 2018-12-21, Added a 3d modeled book, to the gallery. You can also download the 3d model of the book. I've been posting stuff to Blender Artists recently, like this Dwarven Tunnel scene. Nice to get feedback every once in a while.

Update: 2018-12-03, Added an author page, with links to some of the major things I've written.

Update: 2018-11-15, Transferred the site to a new webhost. Also, you could buy some 3D printed stuff from Shapeways, and I got a cut. Sadly, Shapeways shut down in 2024.

Update: 2018-09-26, I put up a few of the 3D models I've made for free download on Google Poly. Check out some of the stuff I've made, and spin them around. It's good clean geometry and good clean fun!

Update: 2018-09-19, I've added basically all my CG art to a Google album.

Update: 2018-05-04, Made some built-in shelves for the bedroom. And some other built-in shelves for a different bedroom. Also improved the stained glass lantern with ultracaps. And mounted the stainless steel pan pipes on the wall. Also photographed the metal dice I made a decade ago. And a 3D printed lion head. And a 3D printed drain cover in the form of the family crest. Plus a box I made for a sewing machine. A regular cornucopia of content! This content was supported in part by Patreon.

Update: 2018-05-02, Made a custom pyx with personalized decoration. Order yours today!

Update: 2018-04-20, Put some pictures up of our gazebo and front yard. Also documented the custom peening tool I made for the Septacrypt.

Update: 2018-03-28, Finished the Tree Fort story, and added a Drilling Hammer page to the photojournals.

Update: 2018-03-22, Completed a few more commissions, and updated the commissions page!

Update: 2018-02-04, Minecraft Python Scripts, are back! Now works with the latest version of Minecraft. Giant trees, gaping craters, eerie mountains, and civilizing railways, all with a few keystrokes!

Update: 2017-12-16, More commissions! A handful of low-poly mini-figs, a Pokemon character sculpture, and a wooden door with iron fittings.

Update: 2017-10-24, Two more commissions done. A 3d print cartoon figure and a 3d print cheetah ring.

Update: 2017-09-29, Finished another 3d print helmet commission.

Update: 2017-09-27, Finished a quick 3D print model.

Update: 2017-09-12, A game character commission stalled at the low-poly phase.

Update: 2017-09-07, Another helmet commission, this one a custom panther mask built around a 3d scan of the client.
Also uploaded my XKCD rgb color space voronoi volume model.

Update: 2017-09-04, Another game commission, this one the Sunshot gun from Destiny 2. I made a video about the working cylinder release mechanism too.

Update: 2017-08-30, Did a commission a year and a half ago of a Character model of Lord Shaxx from Destiny. The client never did pay, so now you can download the model for free!

Update: 2017-08-25, Finished a commission for a Rodent themed Mech which turned out rather nicely.

Update: 2017-07-26, Updated the home page background images with my newly finished family crest.

Update: 2017-07-18, 3D modeled a cartoon character head for a client. Raw geometry is my favorite! Also, you can watch Project London now! I made a bunch of 3d models for this movie, and you can Download the Free Blender Models!

Update: 2017-07-10, Made some Wooden Running Boards for my van. And then carved a stub of a stick into an interesting shape.

Update: 2017-06-19, Did a quick commission for a Ripley Watch as a cosplay prop.

Update: 2017-06-08, Finally completed the Sledge Hammer Technobane Photojournal, so, I guess I'm finally done with that project after over a decade.

Update: 2017-05-10, Finished a couple more commissions: A Broadsword reference model for a web comic, and a pair of Daft Punk cuff links.

Update: 2017-03-29, Got wind that someone is using one of the Power Ranger helmet 3D models to 3D print a real prop, so I put up a few of the pictures.

Update: 2017-03-20, Updated my 3d Model Commission page, and added some photos of the new Spooner crest pendant.

Update: 2017-01-14, Made a couple towel hangers so I can display art towels on the walls.

Update: 2017-01-09, Made a wax seal with a custom handle for my sister.
Also, a Stained-glass LED-illuminated battery-powered Lantern.

Update: 2017-01-07, 3D Modeled a Lion Head for 3d printing. Download the model for free!
I also put up a bunch of old StarWars fanfic spaceship renders in case half-well-done CG spaceships interest you.

Update: 2017-01-01, Playing around with masonry again, this time a spiral staircase into water.

Update: 2016-12-20, I'm now a professional engineer recognized in the state of California which is also now reflected in my Resume.

Update: 2016-09-13, There's been a Tube Aquarium photojournal for a long time now. It was one of the first things to go up on this site! But I never got around to adding the follow-up project photos to the page until now.

Update: 2016-09-11, Did a bunch of cement work in my parents' backyard.

Update: 2016-07-17, Had some fun writing code to generate vases in Blender.

Update: 2016-06-02, A client commissioned some upgrades to Fox Mcloud from Starfox Adventures. Beautiful model, and a pleasure to work with. I've also added pricing estimates to the commission page.

Update: 2016-03-03, A client sent in pictures of a 3d printed mask that he made from a model he commissioned from me. Great to see some real progress being made on one of these! Oh, and I wrote a book.

Update: 2016-02-28, A couple more pieces in the Commission Gallery. Plus a long over-due photo of the engraving on the pan pipes. Also, a delicious pun picture... man it's been a long time since I've done one of those!

Update: 2015-06-20, Added another page of images to the Commission Gallery. Mostly minor commissions that I hadn't put images up for yet.

Update: 2015-05-18, Motorcycle light spines are powered now.

Update: 2015-04-24, Home page updated after about a hundred years.

Update: 2015-04-04, The world-building wiki for my (now defunct) webcomic House of HOZZ is now available for browsing.

Update: 2015-03-22, Hey look, I made a bridge (if you can call it that). It took me, like, a couple hours. Also some sort of metal thing.

Update: 2015-02-22, New gallery for my motorcycle mods. Also put a bunch of stuff in the home improvement gallery.

Update: 2014-12-14, New gallery with a few home improvement project photos.

Update: 2014-08-10, I've released everything I've made to the public domain. That includes all the stuff on this website!

Update: 2014-07-08, Another audio book done, Free Radical, by Shamus Young.

Update: 2014-06-03, I found the first images from Curiosity Rover a bit boring, so I colorized them and added some lights for fun. Then I did the same for a friend's KSP spacecraft.

Update: 2014-05-31, Made a couple My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic (MLP:FIM) desktop backgrounds featuring Canterlot Castle and Cloudsdale as seen from a distance.

Update: 2014-05-22, Uploaded a few old images to the Miscellaneous CG Gallery and created a new gallery for Edited Photos with a few old images as well.

Update: 2014-02-08, Made a pots and pans hanging storage thing for my kitchen. I also improved the photo-journal page. You're welcome!

Update: 2013-08-10, Finished a commission for a 3d model of some armor for fabrication via pepakura.

Update: 2013-05-10, Started building a Tree Fort in my back yard. It's not done yet, but you can look at it anyway. Also, updated the non syndicated date format from mm/dd/yyyy to yyyy-mm-dd.

Update: 2012-09-17, Another recorded reading of a book, this time The Law, by Bastiat, an excellent primer on proper government. Made for my Dad's birthday, but you can listen too if you like.

Update: 2012-07-31, Finished a set of jewelry for my wife. They turned out great! 3D modeled by me and printed by Shapeways.

Update: 2012-05-22, Designed a mirror satellite. That's pretty much it.

Update: 2012-05-10, I made a knot around a ball bearing, and then modeled it in 3d. If that kind of thing interests you, take a look at the sphere knot. Also, I made a 3D model of Chief from the Goblins webcomic (one of my favorites, check it out).

Update: 2012-02-19, Uploaded a Crystal Chamber scene for a friend's D&D campaign. Had a lot of fun designing and modeling this one, plus making a custom Blender script to generate the crystals.

Update: 2012-02-04, Finished a custom silver ring for my wife. Also, pictures of the aforementioned... So you can be awed, I guess? Oh, you can also buy one from Shapeways except that they shut down.

Update: 2012-01-30, I recorded a reading of Shamus Young's book "How I learned". It's a free audio book! What more can you ask for?

Update: 2011-10-28, Released a bunch of Free Blender Models that I made for Project London.

Update: 2011-09-24, A photo journal about the Ferrocement Bridge I built is now available. Check it out!

Update: 2011-07-05, Added a download page for the Blender format Monarch butterfly 3D model, along with some of the source pictures we took. The renders are still here though, in the gallery. Also, more script aided crystals.

Update: 2011-05-20, Broke the Minecraft script page into a code page and a photojournal page. Also, MCEdit is now supported! Check it out!

Update: 2011-05-16, Added a photo journal chronicling the ferrocement mushroom project.

Update: 2011-05-03, Added some pictures of a Necklace I made based on our family crest. It was a Christmas gift for my Mom when I started it. Happy Mother's Day!

Update: 2011-04-06, Updated the Mushroom Village Game with some text notes. Should make exploring it a bit more interesting.

Update: 2011-04-02, Updated the Minecraft scripts page again with a Beta version of the StarStone script (much improved, actually flings dirt now!) and a new one, WizardMountain which allows you to tear up mountains out of the ground.

Update: 2011-03-21, Updated the Minecraft scripts page with a Beta version of the Forester script (also needs the new interface module). Also got some final renders from Squiggs for the Winged sword that we collaborated on.

Update: 2011-03-09, Uploaded some commission work, a suit of sci-fi armor from a computer game.

Update: 2011-01-07, Added a gallery for some architecture visualization work I've done.

Update: 2010-08-28, The Tetrahedral Planetoid model is finished for now. I'm working on a script to do the heavy lifting, and generate new ones of different geometries from scratch. Speaking of scripts, I wrote one to make crystals of all shapes. Still working on the "all" part.

Update: 2010-08-04, Getting very close to finishing the Tetrahedral Planetoid model. All that's left are the parts you can't see!

Update: 2010-02-25, Finished a sword project for Daniel Papke. It's for an Oblivion mod.

Update: 2010-02-20, New script for Blender, Meta Machine. Still in development, but there are a few screenshots.

Update: 2010-01-31, I'm a daddy! My new daughter Leahana, and friends.

Update: 2009-10-24, I modeled a Monarch butterfly based on a real one my wife found.

Update: 2009-08-21, New commission 3d modeling service available. It's up on the main menu too.

Update: 2009-08-05, Bunch of new stuff, in the CG art section! There's a shell, some more escher-esque modeling, a steam-punk lab from Girl Genius, and a passion flower.

Update: 2008-11-14, New cg image, Space Trip which is kind of a new style for me. Check it out!

Update: 2008-10-21, Uploaded a stack of photos of David's Wedding and my trip to Seattle.

Update: 2008-09-10, Made 21 more d6 out of stainless steel.

Update: 2007-11-09, New picture, kind of abstract w/ sweet caustic effects.

Update: 2007-10-18, Created a new gallery for my 3d pictures based on other's concept art. There is a pair of new "fusion core" images there. I've also updated "Freedom" a few times.

Update: 2007-10-02, Made a d6 out of stainless steel as well as a number of 3d pictures.

Update: 2007-06-07, Finished the gauntlet project! Hooray!

Update: 2007-04-28, Finished a guy with a gatling gun. He now guards the CG pictures.

Update: 2007-04-07, Added Valley of the Spire pictures to the gallery.

Update: 2007-03-07, Added pictures to the CG Art section, especially the "Cottage Pictures" album. Also added some text to a few pictures. (the gallery should be sorting by date modified, so they will be near the front).

Update: 2005-08-29, Made a small tribute page to the Great Teacher Largo from the Megatokyo webcomic.

First Post: 2004-07, New personal website is up! Transferred the stuff I wanted from Geocities including a bunch of old CG stuff (my best work at the time), some road pictures, various Christian themed images, and the mushroom game. Oh, and the Links page of course. Here's a picture of what the home page used to look like.

Long Ago: 1996, My brothers and I wrote this story when we were about ten years old. I've published it as-is. It's about a boy named Hundar who has magical powers!